
World Wide Webinar

Sometimes it is not possible or desirable to offer a live event or seminar. A webinar – an online seminar – can then be a godsend. During a webinar, presenters share information with the audience just like in a regular seminar. Participants can also ask questions or join discussions online. At TTA International, we have expertise and experience in developing and organizing webinars, and we’d love to help! That starts with defining your objective and ends with all the details you think are important.

Giving information and creating engagement in a digital environment

TTA International’s webinars help your organization with:

Creating engagement

TTA International develops and hosts webinars with interactive features such as live chat, polls, discussions and question-and-answer sessions. Getting participants actively involved in this way creates high levels of engagement. As a result, you not only leave a lasting impression, knowledge gained also sticks longer.

Expanding your reach

Webinars potentially have a greater reach than a regular seminar or conference. Your story thus carries a lot further than the geographic location itself. Are you a company, educational institution or NGO operating globally or do you have that ambition? Then TTA International will help you move forward quickly.

Your sustainable objectives

It may be an open door, but one with impact. Especially if sustainability is on your mind. In fact, because travel is not required, a webinar helps you reduce your carbon footprint. So do you still want to contribute to your CSR goals for this year? Then don’t overlook this benefit of a webinar.

Are you looking for other suitable resources or opportunities?

Do you want to know more?

Contact us. We are curious to hear your question!